Soundscape for art installation: House of Meme

In assignment of Studio Pamela Rosenkranz, I have created an ever-changing algorithmic soundscape for the art exhibition “House of Meme”, which was held in the museum of modern art Kunsthaus Bregenz, Germany, from April to July 2021.

On the third floor, a robotic snake moves around erratically on the floor, triggered by the electromagnetic radiation that is all around us. The soundscape evokes tension, continuously balancing conflicting associations: human and machine, invitation and repulsion, warmth and coldness, safety and danger. It raises the question: is this good? Or bad? Is it alive or just a piece of technology?

The soundscape is fully dynamic, meaning it is generated algorithmically and changes from moment to moment. It was created using Max/MSP.

House of Meme, an exhibition by Pamela Rosenkranz in Kunsthaus Bregenz from April to July 2021. Photo copyright Pamela Rosenkranz, Markus Tretter.

Read more about the exhibition here (in German):

In October 2021, the soundscape was also part of Pamela Rosenkranz’s exhibition at Sprüth & Magers in London (the soundscape is heard throughout the video):

Soundscape by Emar Vegt at Pamela Rosenkranz exhibition at Spruth Magers London