TV: adding sound to e-scooters for RTL nieuws Electric scooter sound design for Dutch TV show Bright op Banden.
Interview: Volkskrant – Adding sound to electric cars An interview about the how and why of adding sound to cars, published in national newspaper Volkskrant
TV: RTL Z – Verplicht geluid voor elektrische auto’s Business news outlet RTL-Z interviewed me about the new requirements for electric vehicles to produce sound.
Paper: Designing Sound for Quiet Cars (2016) Technical Paper “Designing Sound for Quiet Cars”, published by SAE and presented at ISNVH 2016.
Interview: Planner/Verkenner (2016) Article in Eindhoven University of Technology magazine “Slash” about my career choice as a sound designer.
Radio: BNR – Sound design in auto’s (2016) Interview at Dutch national radio show BNR “De Nationale Autoshow”.
Conference: PINC Sarasota (2015) Keynote about designing the sound of cars at the creative conference PINC at Sarasota, Florida, 2015.
TV: Klaas kan alles (2015) My job in the children’s show “Klaas Kan Alles” on national public television.
Print article: Een autodeur kan waardig klinken (2015) Article about my job as a sound designer for vehicles in the Dutch professional journal on hearing.
Print article: FD – Partituur voor een portier (2015) Print article containing aggregated information about sound design for vehicles.
Video: BMW i3 Sound Design (2015) Emar Vegt sharing insights about the sound design process of the BMW i3: both the auditory notices
Video: The BMW Sound Designers (2013) BMW Thailand press contribution about the sound design of its vehicles.